“Would you mind faxing that request over one more time, please?”
It’s the very last thing you want to hear as a municipal lien search analyst. Although it may have you feeling like you’re on a ride with Doc and Marty McFly, we receive requests like this all too often.
Yes – you heard that correctly.

Many of the municipalities we do business with still operate using actual fax machines. In this era of cutting-edge technology, we have to be equipped to handle all forms of communication, no matter how archaic they may seem. Fortunately we employ a service that converts incoming faxes to email format and vice-versa. But, this definitely paints a picture as to how technology shapes the way we do what we do. On a daily basis, we see the broad spectrum of technology used across the nation through a multitude of avenues.
These days, we don’t even need to make contact with some local and state municipalities to retrieve the information we need. Thankfully, many use third-party data warehouses such as FRS Data and Conduits that allow us to purchase and obtain the required information with only the click of a button. Some even allow back and forth communication through their own messaging portals in the instance we need some form of special assistance with our request. This makes our jobs so much easier, and most times, provides seamless integration into our daily routine. As time passes, we find more and more municipalities making the switch to digital warehousing… and boy, are we ever grateful!