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Ep. 13 Marketing Strategies for Title Companies with Dean Collura of TitleTap

Ep. 13 Marketing Strategies for Title Companies with Dean Collura of TitleTap


Amanda talks with Dean Collura, the Co-Founder, and CEO of TitleTap about strategies and quick wins with SEO and Social Media for marketing your title company.

"What's the one thing right now that's causing you the most grief? For some people, it might be their website, for other people, it may be upping their social media game... so it really is about determining where you're at in that process." - Dean Collura, TitleTap


Key topics in this episode:

  • Dean’s background in title insurance and marketing (1:23).
  • How the focus on marketing has increased in the industry (3:20).
  • Getting started on social media marketing (5:43).
  • How outsourcing social media can backfire (8:19).
  • The biggest mistakes to avoid (9:53).
  • Leveraging your marketing channels for better communication and engagement with clients (13:12).
  • Simple ways to increase your visibility online even without a website (22:50).
  • Chatbots (30:24).
  • Dean’s number one advice (34:35).

Resources and suggested reading:

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Guest: Dean Collura of TitleTap
Host: Amanda Farrell of PropLogix

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