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Ep 28: Selling Strategies for Title Companies with Darryl Turner
Business Strategy

Ep 28: Selling Strategies for Title Companies with Darryl Turner

Amanda Farrell


The title industry is often called a hidden industry, so pinpointing the value, differentiating your company, and selling your title policies effectively can be challenging. While many industries struggled during the COVID-19 pandemic, the title and real estate industry was bolstered by strong homebuyer demand. Selling title orders might not have been the same challenge it’s been in the past, but how professionals engaged with current clients and prospects likely took a dramatic turn. 

In my interview with Darryl Turner, a leader in title sales coaching, he doesn’t pull any punches about the hard truths title company owners and sales teams are facing in a rapidly-changing industry. 

Find if your company is breaking bad habits, engaging with prospects in a 21st century way, and focusing on the right metrics and strategies to sell title. 

All listeners also have a chance to get $50 off Turner’s Title Sales Mastery Seminar in Reno in October with promo code PROPLOGIXVIP2021.


"The biggest concern that I have for people is their desire to run right back to what they learned wasn't totally efficient." - Darryl Turner


Key topics in this episode: 

  • What’s changing and what’s stayed the same  (3:00)
  • Breaking bad habits (6:15)
  • Hot markets ruin good salespeople (13:40)
  • How COVID-19 disrupted old ways of selling (25:37)
  • Balancing title operations and sales in smaller title companies (31:40)
  • Differentiating your company from the competition (40:00)
  • Unconventional prospecting and a warning before going national (51:50)
  • Should title companies market to consumers? (59:25)

Resources and suggested reading: 


Get involved with the conversation! 

Follow us on Twitter @titletalks, and sign up to receive notifications when the next season launches! If you have an idea for a topic or know a guest speaker who would be perfect for the show, email us at title.talks@proplogix.com.

Guest: Darryl Turner
Host: Amanda Farrell of PropLogix

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Amanda Farrell Content Marketing Strategist

Amanda Farrell is a digital media strategist at PropLogix. She enjoys being a part of a team that gives peace of mind for consumers while making one of the biggest purchases of their lives. She lives in Sarasota with her bunny, Buster, and enjoys painting, playing guitar and mandolin, and yoga.